i dont know whether anyone will read this post or am i the only one who read this :| but i'd still write something here.
I posted about the national exam a couple months ago. And the thing that I was worrying about is finally ended. It wasn't great enough actually, but it was great enough for me who prepared everything in a very short time. But I realize in a month before the national exam and i've never seen myself being this diligent. I was so hopeless and the only thing that I can do is doing my hardest try (for studying) and pray to the God. Believe that God will help me, that God will always give a chance and i promise not to do it anymore. I promise that I'll be a better me, if only He will help me and gave a chance so that I can pass the national exam :D
Now here I am, I passed the national exam, and Alhamdulillah God gave me a chance to be "Arek ITS!"
Yap, it's DesproITS13!
And these words are my favorite :D
Arek ITS Cak!
Thank God for giving me such a chance to be arek ITS and be DesproITS13 :D
why I love this campus? I'm gonna tell ya later!
Im proud to be arek ITS!
Hei, i'm Teguh from Komunitas Blogger Cah Kediri. Visit to join https://www.facebook.com/groups/bloggerkediri/
syudahhhh :D
kak, mau nanya, kalo mau ngisi snmptn desain interior its kan perlu melampirkan portofolio tuh kak, tapi saya bingung, mau kasi portofolio seperti apa? apakah gambar desain rumah atau gambar perspektif yang 5 objek, atau apa ya kak? mohon bantu di jelaskan kak.. makasih kak :)
keep on writing nis!!
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